
Our Curriculum Overview


Children are not born programmed to behave in a certain way that is acceptable to the society, behaviours are learnt within a social context, with this in mind, each child in a group is taught to behave in a way that positively influences the pupils around them.

Our teachers are also trained on the values of exhibiting  positive role along with the formal academic activities.


Children are not born programmed to behave in a certain way that is acceptable to the society, behaviours are learnt within a social context, with this in mind, each child in a group is taught to behave in a way that positively influences the pupils around them. Our teachers are also trained on the values of exhibiting positive role along with the formal academic activities.

Creative and Performing Arts

We encourage children to explore their talents, expand their imagination and develop their own unique gifts. Activities like music, drama and dance engages a child’s brain and emotions in a way to encourage self-confidence and self-expression.

Sport Activities

We believe that sports and games can help pupils to follow rules, communicate better with each other and learn the importance of team work thus board games and physical sport facilities are provided for such.

Community and Social Responsibility

Children are encouraged to participate in activities geared towards building respect, love and care for the society. Activities are organised to create awareness of their role as trustees of the society they live in.

Literary and Debating Club

The club is designed to develop pupils’ analytical and independent thinking skills. They are encouraged to work on their oratory skills as well forming a civil way of airing their views.


Pupils in the Senior School are encourage to innovate and create around perceived opportunities in the society. They are exposed to the basic principles of entrepreneurship like invention, persistence, risk-taking, failure and success.

Forest School

We use outdoor environment as inspiration for successful learning in the classroom. Children do relate better to what they can feel and see more than teaching given indoor. They also enjoy regular outdoor sessions in our beautiful playground where they explore environment, discover creativity and develop vital problem-solving skills

Educating the whole family

Periodical educational activities are organised to equip parents with necessary knowledge and skills to help in complementing our school activities .